Saturday, August 3, 2024

NFL Guys, Lies, and Butterflies

In a world where sunlight dances free,
A butterfly flutters gracefully.
From chrysalis, it breaks away,
A marvel born from night to day.

Its wings, a canvas of pure art,
Each flutter speaks to every heart.
In China’s silk and lovers' dreams,
In Japan's spirits, soft moonbeams.

Through fields where wildflowers bloom,
It weaves through skies, dispelling gloom.
In Mexico, it marks the time,
When souls return, a dance, sublime.

In Europe’s lore of death and life,
In Egypt’s tombs, beyond all strife.
It whispers secrets on the breeze,
In Ireland’s fields, among the trees.

Psyche’s love in Greek embrace,
With Eros, they in stars find place.
A symbol of what’s yet to come,
A promise that we all become.

With colors bright and meanings vast,
Each hue a story from the past.
Red speaks of courage, life’s bold fire,
Orange of joy and pure desire.

Yellow shines with wisdom’s light,
Green of love and life’s delight.
Blue whispers truth and open skies,
Indigo dreams and wisdom’s eyes.

Violet reigns in royal state,
While black holds mystery and fate.
White, pure as dawn's first ray,
A symbol of peace in light of day.

In science, change is understood,
From caterpillar’s silent wood.
A metamorphosis so grand,
Emerging with a gentle hand.

In dreams they come, a fleeting touch,
A sign, a guide, or just as much.
When butterflies your vision grace,
They bring you joy, a soft embrace.

Through all the lands and times they fly,
Messengers beneath the sky.
Their wings, a testament to change,
A beauty that we all can range.

So next you see a butterfly,
Remember more than meets the eye.
In every flutter, every flight,
A tale of wonder, pure and bright.