Friday, May 25, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

No more Flag protests...NFL to penalize players for kneeling during anthem

No more Flag protests...NFL to penalize players for kneeling during anthem

Real News Full Show—NFL Bans Kneeling But Taxpayers Kneel To $4B Stadiums

Gas prices are going up, hitting $5/gal in NYC but a federal mandate for only high octane fuel going to make pump prices soar if lobbyists have their way with the GOP. And as a sink hole appears on the White House lawn, Congress vetoes a modest Penny Plan to save $TRILLIONS & NFL billionaires pour taxpayers’ money into stadiums. Then, David Knight looks at SpyGate & how similar conspiracies by the Intel Community played out decades ago without being exposed as Trump is exposing it now.

Real News Full Show—NFL Bans Kneeling But Taxpayers Kneel To $4B Stadiums

NFL Owners Considering 15-Yard Penalty For Kneeling

NFL Owners Considering 15-Yard Penalty For Kneeling